Ferrari Fashion School students can count on financial support designed by Intesa Sanpaolo to enable them to expand their skills. “Per Merito” is a loan that any student residing in Italy can obtain on the sole condition of being in good standing with their chosen course of study and requires no collateral. The loan will be disbursed starting in June of the first year, following the achievement of at least 20 educational credits.
“By Merit” allows you to meet tuition fees, purchase of educational materials, housing expenses, and anything else you need to have peace of mind about your course of study. And students have no obligation to report these expenses.
At the end of the studies, a 24-month “bridge period” is activated, during which the student will not receive any more disbursements, but will not yet have to repay anything.
Repayment takes place over a maximum period of 30 years; in case of early repayment there are no additional costs.
The rate is fixed and defined at the time of underwriting.
All interest is paid back by Intesa Sanpaolo to the Fund for Impact, the fund created for groups with difficulties in accessing credit and education.
For contract terms and conditions consult the Information Sheets available in Branches and on the bank’s website. The granting of loans is subject to the bank’s approval.
Students who wish to apply for the Merit Loan must possess residency in Italy.
Once the bank confirms the release of the loan, disbursements are made in semi-annual tranches and not concurrently with the Ferrari Fashion School maturities.
Ferrari Fashion School does not have any other arrangements with the bank other than those listed in the Merit Loan Guide.
Advertising message with promotional purpose. “Per Merito” is a credit product dedicated to students attending Universities in Italy and abroad, or Postgraduate Training Institutions. For contract terms and conditions consult the Information Sheets available in branches and on the bank’s website. For more information ask your branch manager or go to the per Merito tab at in the youth section.