Art. 1) The services covered by these general terms and conditions are provided by Ferrari Fashion School S.r.l., with registered office in Milan, Via U. Visconti di Modrone no. 2, registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, VAT no. 12581670960, Tax Code 08913130962, telephone +39 0245375390, email, certified email (PEC) (hereinafter referred to as “Ferrari Fashion School” or “Academy”).

Ferrari Fashion School organizes academic and professional training courses at its premises, with a specific focus on the fashion and design sectors. By signing the general terms and conditions of the contract and the enrollment form, Ferrari Fashion School formalizes the student’s registration for the course indicated in the enrollment form, which may be conducted remotely through online tools. The services related to enrollment are detailed in both the contractual documentation and the official Academy website at


Art. 2) For contracts and contractual enrollment proposals concluded at a distance or negotiated outside Ferrari Fashion School’s premises, in accordance with Article 52, paragraph 1, of the Consumer Code, the student has the right to withdraw from the contract without any deductions or penalties within fourteen (14) working days from the date of signing the enrollment form.

The withdrawal must be exercised by registered letter with return receipt or certified email (PEC) and must include: the student’s full name, address, date, place, and signature. The delivery date of the registered letter/PEC shall serve as proof of receipt and as the reference date for the withdrawal period. The registered letter must be addressed to: Ferrari Fashion School S.r.l. – Via U. Visconti di Modrone, 2 – 20122 Milan (MI), while the PEC communication must be sent to


Art. 3) If the student lawfully withdraws from the contract as set forth in the previous article, all payments made to Ferrari Fashion School shall be refunded, except for the Administrative Fees (€300.00).


Art. 4) Students who withdraw at least thirty (30) days before the start date of the selected course shall be entitled to a full refund of the fees paid, except for the Enrollment Fee. Students who withdraw within thirty (30) days before the start of the course by completing the appropriate withdrawal form shall not be entitled to any refund of the amounts paid up to that date.

If a foreign student is subject to a definitive visa rejection, they shall be entitled to a refund of all amounts paid, except for the Administrative Fees (€300.00). Alternatively, the student may choose to defer their enrollment to a subsequent course or intake by providing written notice to Ferrari Fashion School. This option must be exercised within a strict deadline of twelve (12) months from the date of the written notification.

Ferrari Fashion School shall not accept requests to change courses or intakes within thirty (30) days prior to the originally scheduled start date unless due to force majeure or visa-related issues. If Ferrari Fashion School accepts the student’s request to enroll in another course or intake, the student must pay the full amount of the Intermediate Fee, Tuition Fee, and an additional penalty of €500.00 before the start of the academic year for which they were initially pre-enrolled or enrolled.

Should a student withdraw thirty (30) days before the start of a course to enroll in the next semester and Ferrari Fashion School accepts this request, the student shall be required to pay a fee of €500.00, along with the full tuition fee, no later than three (3) months before the start of the chosen semester. If the student fails to make these payments within the prescribed timeframe, Ferrari Fashion School reserves the right to cancel the student’s enrollment and retain all amounts paid up to that point.


Art. 5) Ferrari Fashion School reserves the right, up to a strict deadline of thirty (30) calendar days before the start of classes, to:

·        Cancel the course and withdraw from the contract;

·        Modify the course structure or content;

·        Change the location of classes.

·        Enrollment in a Three-Year/Bachelor of Arts, Two-Year, or Master’s/Master of Arts program is subject to a minimum number of ten (10) enrolled students. If this threshold is not met, the course may not be activated. In such cases, Ferrari Fashion School will inform students at least thirty (30) days before the scheduled start date and will refund all amounts paid as soon as possible. Ferrari Fashion School shall not be responsible for any additional costs incurred by students (e.g., travel, accommodation, etc.) in relation to their enrollment.


Art. 6) Except as provided in Articles 2-5, students who, after enrolling and signing this contract, during the academic year:

a) Fail to regularly attend classes and/or take exams;

b) Withdraw from the course, regardless of the reason (including but not limited to personal, family, health, or work-related reasons),


shall not be entitled to any refund and must pay all outstanding fees, including the Tuition Fee, Intermediate Fee, and any remaining payments according to the agreed schedule.


Art. 7) Students enrolled in the third year of the Three-Year Course or a Master’s program must pay a €300.00 fee for the final diploma examination.


Art. 8) The payment of the enrollment fee for subsequent academic years shall serve as sufficient proof of re-enrollment. Such payment shall constitute the student’s and their guarantor’s acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions, including those subject to specific approval under Articles 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code.


Art. 9) Students who wish to suspend their studies for the following academic year must submit a written request within the re-enrollment deadline and pay a fixed fee of €300.00 per academic year of suspension (for a maximum of three years).

If the student resumes studies after suspension, previously paid Tuition Fees and Intermediate Fees shall be considered valid. However, if the student does not return, these amounts shall be retained by Ferrari Fashion School. Requests submitted beyond the re-enrollment deadline shall not be considered, and all payments made shall remain due.

Students who fail to formalize re-enrollment, suspension, or withdrawal within the deadlines shall have up to five (5) years to resume studies by paying a €1,000.00 reinstatement fee. Ferrari Fashion School will assess the student’s academic progress and any outstanding requirements before determining the appropriate year of re-entry. Suspension of studies cannot be applied retroactively.


Art. 10) In case of non-payment, Ferrari Fashion School reserves the right to:

·        Demand immediate full payment of outstanding fees;

·        Suspend the student from attending classes and taking exams;

·        Pursue legal action for debt recovery, including applicable expenses, interest, penalties, and legal fees.


Art. 11) Tuition Fees do not include photocopying, course materials, color printing, personal software and hardware, textiles, or any materials required for practical exercises and thesis projects.


Art. 12) Enrollment is subject to meeting the necessary admission requirements. Students must submit documentation proving their eligibility, and final admission will be confirmed upon verification by Ferrari Fashion School.


Art. 13) Students with foreign qualifications must meet the following conditions:

·        The qualification must grant access to the chosen academic program;

·        The student must provide translated and legalized copies of their high school diploma. Ferrari Fashion School may require an additional Comparability Certificate issued by the Italian ENIC-NARIC Center (CIMEA);

·        The qualification must comply with the minimum schooling duration required by Italian academic regulations. A special evaluation committee will assess the eligibility of foreign qualifications..


Art. 14) For international students, enrollment in any Academic Courses is subject to meeting all the requirements established by current laws regarding entry and stay in Italy for the relevant academic year. The student acknowledges that Ferrari Fashion School is exempt from any responsibility concerning the issuance and/or confirmation of the student visa and the related residence permit during the course of study, as these must be obtained solely at the student’s expense and responsibility. This also applies if the student requests and obtains an internal course transfer during the enrollment period. The student acknowledges and agrees with Ferrari Fashion School that, in the event of their inability to attend or continue attending the chosen course due to the aforementioned reason or any other reason, even beyond their control, Ferrari Fashion School will be entitled to retain, as reimbursement for costs and expenses incurred or to be incurred and/or as compensation, any amount paid by the student for any reason. However, if the course has not yet started, Ferrari Fashion School commits to reimbursing the Tuition Fees already paid by the student (excluding the Administrative Fee of €300.00) in the event that the visa is denied by the competent Authorities, provided that the student submits written notification to Ferrari Fashion School along with an official rejection statement issued by the Italian Embassy or Consulate.


Art. 15) If an international student who has obtained enrollment and an entry visa fails to attend classes without justification or notification to the Academy, the latter is required to promptly report the situation to the competent authorities, including the Police Headquarters, as stipulated by Italian regulations on foreign students and residence visas. This report will be made after an unjustified absence exceeding two weeks.


Art. 16) At the time of enrollment, all students must meet the language proficiency requirement for the language in which the course is delivered (Italian or English). Ferrari Fashion School reserves the right to request additional documentation or verify the validity of any language proficiency certificate submitted (provided it is among those recognized by Ferrari Fashion School). If the student fails to provide one of the required certificates, Ferrari Fashion School reserves the right to assess the student’s language skills. Based on the evaluation outcome, the Academy will determine the student’s eligibility for the chosen study program and may require the completion of supplementary activities to address any identified linguistic deficiencies.


Art. 17) Ferrari Fashion School has the authority to determine the number of courses and subjects offered annually for each diploma program. The institution guarantees enrolled students access to the necessary courses to obtain their diploma within the standard duration of their study cycle.


Art. 18) Course offerings may change due to academic decisions. The assigned class group for one semester may be subject to modifications in subsequent semesters based on educational planning and the choices made by the student when compiling their study plan, particularly regarding specialization tracks and elective courses.


Art. 19) Classes will be conducted weekly according to the academic schedule established annually.


Art. 20) Ferrari Fashion School ensures students access to its facilities for the duration of scheduled lessons and for the number of hours required to complete their studies. Additional access to the facilities is subject to academic scheduling needs and logistical availability.


Art. 21) Ferrari Fashion School is not responsible for any deficiencies or delays in providing its services, whether in whole or in part, due to the non-fulfillment of any obligation caused by or attributable to third parties’ actions or failures, events, omissions, and/or incidents beyond reasonable control. These include, but are not limited to, strikes or other labor disputes involving its staff or third-party personnel, natural disasters, wars, riots, civil unrest, vandalism, compliance with laws or government orders, rules or regulations, accidental failures of facilities or machinery, fires, floods, storms, pandemics, epidemics, or other disease outbreaks, as well as disruptions in public utilities, telecommunications, and/or information technology services.


Art. 22) Classes, educational materials, and related content (including, but not limited to, handouts, slides, manuals, software, trademarks, logos, signs, trade names, domain names, designs, models, inventions, etc.) created, developed, and produced by Ferrari Fashion School (its employees, collaborators, and/or licensees) for course delivery (the “Materials”) are protected under copyright and industrial property laws, as established by applicable regulations in force at any given time. All intellectual property rights over the Materials provided or made available to students belong to and remain under the exclusive ownership and/or control of Ferrari Fashion School and/or its licensors.

For the entire duration of the courses, and even afterward, students are prohibited from using the Materials for purposes other than those strictly related to the training and participation in the courses covered by this agreement. Students may use the Materials only to the extent necessary to access the educational services provided by Ferrari Fashion School. They may reproduce the Materials in a different format only if explicitly authorized and under the specified conditions.

In the case of synchronous and asynchronous streaming audiovisual content, students are only allowed to perform temporary or accessory actions necessary for on-screen viewing. Unless otherwise specified, downloading of the Materials is prohibited. Likewise, the use of the Materials, in whole or in part and in any form, for commercial purposes or for any other purpose outside the scope of this agreement is strictly forbidden.

Students commit to exercising the utmost diligence in using the Materials and refraining from any actions that could constitute an infringement of intellectual property rights. They also agree to immediately notify Ferrari Fashion School in writing of any act or situation that could infringe or potentially damage intellectual property rights over the Materials.

Any and all Intellectual Property Rights resulting from creative and/or inventive activities related to studies, experimentation, and projects carried out individually or in groups within an academic project under the guidance of Ferrari Fashion School faculty and staff—along with any materials created, conceived, and produced by the student or group during academic activities (including, but not limited to, handouts, presentations, texts, projects, etc., except for the diploma thesis)—shall be the exclusive property of Ferrari Fashion School. The student hereby irrevocably and gratuitously assigns all such rights to Ferrari Fashion School, which shall have full exploitation, economic utilization, and disposition rights for any purpose (including, but not limited to, advertising, promotional, strategic, informational, research, educational, or experimental purposes). Consequently, all rights to register and record Intellectual Property Rights in national, EU, or international registries are reserved for Ferrari Fashion School, while ensuring the student’s recognition as the author.


Art. 23) Students are required to comply with the regulations concerning conduct within the Academy, as well as the rules governing the use of their assigned email account. Violations of these regulations may result in disciplinary sanctions proportional to the severity and recurrence of the infractions, which may include temporary or permanent suspension from the Academy.


Art. 24) Ferrari Fashion School reserves the right to seek compensation for any damage caused by the student to the premises and equipment. The student is required to use them properly and maintain cleanliness in shared spaces.


Art. 25) The presence of dogs and other animals is strictly prohibited within Ferrari Fashion School.


Art. 26) Ferrari Fashion School is not responsible for lost, misplaced, or unattended personal belongings within its premises.


Art. 27) This contract is governed by Italian law and is subject to Italian jurisdiction. For any disputes, the exclusive competent court shall be the Court of Milan.